Welcome to Ekhomhe Empire

A place where you can Let it out, Let it go and HEAL!

You can make confessions, seek solutions and get them,
without being criticised or embarrassed.

About Ekhomhe Empire

The purpose of this initiative is to create an atmosphere where a lot of us would be able to let go of that heavy burden in our hearts, without the fear of being stigmatised. A place you can let go of all that bothers you, but afraid of telling someone close to you, for the fear of losing face before that person.

Our Community

Ekhomhe Empire is not a community for just adults, we also have a section for teenagers, known as TEENS COMMUNITY. In this section, children between the ages of 13 years and 19 years old, are allowed to be members of the teens community. They are free to discuss their family issues, academics, fashion, abuses, etc. We will have Chief Priests and Priestesses to attend to them Monthly and also, we will have admins, known as “ELDERS'' to assist them, and monitor their activities before the town Hall meeting scheduled once a Month for them.

From the Communities

Stories Shared on Ekhomhe Empire


I feel life is being unfair to me and my family members. I really feel empty inside of me and…

How I took a loan to pay my parents rent but now unable to pay cos its almost a million and my business is not doing well

Hello good evening my name is Chioma I’m married with 3kids,pls I need an advice on this matter cause at…


My Name Is  Foluke, i am 31, Single and not Happy, I Live In Lagos I am not Lucky finding…

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