I relocated to Canada to join my husband, after his friend introduced me to him 3 years ago, we dated for a long time and he never came home, we were always talking over the phone, he sent me to his family house and I went to see his parents in his absence, his mother was so kind to me and his siblings too. After visiting them for 6 Months, I was convinced he would be a good man, since he came from a very responsible home.

The only thing I noticed about him over the phone was that he gets angry easily and always wanting to monitor my movements and give me orders. I ignored all these because I felt he was just acting that way since we are far from each other.

My husband finally came home May last year after 2yrs plus of talking over the phone, his parents told him I am good enough for him and that was how we got married and he started processing my travelling documents. Six months later, my papers were out, and I found myself in Canada with my husband, it was a dream come true for me. He was a very responsible and caring man from the beginning, soft spoken and always quiet. You will never hear him raise his voice at anyone.

Immediately I settled in, I decided to start working because I also want to assist my family over there in Nigeria, but I don’t intend to demand funds from him, as I feel I should be responsible for my family. My husband kicked against it and told me to hold on for another one year before I will start working, I initially agreed, but whenever I asked him for money, he will not give me, he will tell me I have everything at home, what do I need money for. I depend on him for practically everything I need, including my toiletries, this has never been my lifestyle.

The strangest part is, he keeps reminding me of how poor my family is, and that I should be grateful he brought me to Canada and gave me hope and a new life. He is always saying that when we are having arguments. He now beats me; he does not allow me to go out and always threatens me with sending me back home if I try to disobey him.

Just last week, I had a miscarriage after he beat me up and left for work. I could not say anything in the hospital because I don’t even know who to talk to. I don’t have friends, and no one visits us. every time I call his parents in Nigeria to report him, I get serious beating after they finish scolding him.

I am planning on returning back home to my family, I would rather come back home to Nigeria and live, than die in another country because I want to be comfortable. I am tired of this suffering.

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